Облачный смех вики

Барен Кумо (曇 芭恋, Baren Kumou) — персонаж и главный герой манги "Чистый смех". Восьмой глава храма Кумо и брат-близнец Окуни. В деревнях упоминается как табу, отчего подвержен остракизму (изгнанию, ссылке). Знает тайну «Докуро Хозуки».  


Baren has black messy hair that is held in a ponytail, decorated with feathers. He wears long earrings and an eyepatch over his left eye. He also wears an kimono with a haori with the word "Kumo" on the back. He has two wrist bands and is often seen with an pipe, which he also uses for fighting. He is very popular with the ladies.


Baren is stubborn and holds grudges easily. He is very good at taking care of people. Baren is also dependable and sensible. He seems to like giving people pranks. He is popular with both animals and women. Okuni said that he gets lonely very easily.





To Ishida Sakichi: "We have always lived alone, just the two of us. No one has to understand us and we don't want them to.

'To Okuni Kumo: “We’re two but we’re one.”


  • Кумо — (くも, Облако).